Monday, April 23, 2012

Taking a day off...

This weekend had been the weekend worthy of running a marathon!! For starters, I worked Weds-Thurs-Fri nights, all 12 hours shifts, which can be enough right there to weaken the resolve of He-Man himself.

Or in my case, weaken my stamina to keep hitting the living room faithfully.

And my Dad drive up for a visit, which was fun, but definitely left little in the way of "free time", as for most of the weekend I was visiting with him, doing dishes, laundry, cooking, etc.

Lucily, I have a GREAT fiance who does a lot to help keep everything in good running order around here. :)

So after a three-night stretch of working where I did manage to hit the living room twice, I also managed to squeeze in a 50 minute spin on my bike and complete 10 minutes of push-ups and core work on Sunday afternoon. And honestly, that means that all week my total work-outs had equaled to being about four. Four times pumping some neoprene in the living room.

But that's okay. During this whole "lifestyle revamp", I have learned to focus on self-control, and let go of things that I can't control. And most importantly, I have learned to focus on what's important in life, and to take every moment I can and live it to the fullest.

I think that I am not alone when I say that when you're an active woman, and one that is conscientious about her fitness, (and, let's be honest here--her appearance), we tend to get very negative about our whole outlook on our day, week, month, whatever, if we have a work-out, (or work-outs), that get missed/skipped due to...well...anything, and our quality of life, (or at least how we perceive our quality of life), takes a drastic, nasty spiral towards the ground complete with flames and a faulty ejection seat button.

Maybe perhaps I get a little too graphic?

But anyhow--I know I personally get very grumpy, and my focus changes from enjoying my day, (or my night, if I'm working), to constantly berating myself for not "getting in that round of Jillian", or "jeez, I wish I had drank more water yesterday, I'm so dry I can't get my heartrate up", or my personal favorite: "Omg, I can just FEEL the fat hopping aboard the saddle-bag bus!! Get it OFF, get it OFF, get it OFF!"

Again, perhaps I get a little too graphic?

But as I've progressed over the last year, and have changed the way I work-out, and have focused on my eating habits utilizing principles from Weight Watchers, (most basic principle? One needs to eat, might as well make the calories I consume worth my while and FUEL my body with good choices), I have figured out that 1) I don't need to work-out like a psychotic Fem-Bot maniac every single solitary day, and 2) I physically CAN'T work-out like a psychotic Fem-Bot maniac every single solitary day.

And even after decreasing the number and length of my work-outs, I have still continued to lose weight, feel awesome, and look better now than what I did in high school. And if I end up taking an unplanned "day off" due to some unforeseen circumstance? Rather than moping with a sad, depressed, cranky-ass "It's the end of the world as I know I it, all my progress is down the tubes and I might as well drown my sorrows in a plate full of cinnamon rolls", I find a renewed vigor for my tomorrow's date with Jillian, or riding to nowhere on my trainer, or for enjoying a nice healthy meal approved by the good folks at Weight Watchers.

In other words, I have grown up. Maybe even perhaps reached a level of "fitness self-actualization"...

So today, being Monday, and my dad leaving after two good days here up north, I had a Dr.'s appt at 2 o'clock, came home, and enjoyed two leftover cinnamon rolls from breakfast, and had a cheese breadstick for lunch, (yummm....I know!), and then laid myself on the couch proceeded to cash in on a well-earned three hour nap. Did I work-out today? Unless you count doing the happy dance in the exam room when my Dr. congratulated me on my 20# weight loss!! (I got weighed in my clothes and shoes, okay?) Enjoying my progress, I then proceeded to brag about how I had "been really trying to get some extra weight off for my wedding, and just generally reach a better state of health and fitness." The good doc replied, "I wish more women had your good attitude and healthful approach."

Go ME!!!

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